The global color authority Pantone has once done the work to decide the shade of color that will be best suited for 2022. The color of 2022 will be known as PANTONE 17-3938, or Very Peri, which is a “dynamic periwinkle blue hue with a violet-red undertone that blends the faithfulness and constancy of blue with the energy and excitement of red,” Microsoft explains.
It also represents the first color that the institute of colors has created, and to celebrate the new shade, Microsoft has also created a theme for Windows 11 that includes four wallpapers to decorate your desktop.
The images feature the new Windows bloom, but it’s been reimagined using the Pantone Color of the Year 2022, PANTONE 17-3938 Very Peri, a dynamic blue hue that blends the faithfulness and constancy of blue with the energy and excitement of red.
You can download the “Pantone Color of the Year 2022” from the Microsoft Store. Once it’s installed, click the Open button, and select the theme from the “Themes” personalization settings page.
Microsoft even made a theme for Microsoft Edge that brings the new color to the frame of the browser and the new tab page.
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