Windows 11 comes with a new Snipping Tool app that merges the classic Snipping Tool with Snip & Sketch to take screenshots. Although the experience is easy enough to use, it requires the Windows key + Shift + S keyboard shortcut to bring up the snipping menu. However, if you want, you can change the behavior to use the keyboard’s Print (PrtScr, Prt Sc, Print Screen) key to create a capture quickly.
This guide will teach you how to change the Windows 11 settings to use only the Print key to take screenshots with Snipping Tool. (See also this video tutorial to learn more about taking screenshots.)
To use the keyboard’s Print key instead of the Windows shortcut to bring up the snipping menu:
Open Start on Windows 11.
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Search for Snipping Tool and click the top result to open the app.
Click the menu (three-dotted) button in the top-right corner and select the Settings option.
Under the “Shortcut” section, click the Change in settings option for the Print Screen shortcut setting.
Turn on the Use the Print screen button to open screen snipping toggle switch.
Once you complete the steps, press the Print Screen button instead of the Windows key + Shift + S keyboard shortcut to take a screenshot on Windows 11 quickly.
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